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Talking more about Sew...

Oh my gosh! I am back! Why? Because I have things to say about Barbara Emodi's new book, Sew...The Garment-Making Book of Knowledge (maybe what I need is a book club that reads sewing books!) Barbara gives us her thoughts on what we should be sewing since we have now figured out why we should be sewing. She doesn't give us my-way-or-the-highway thoughts, but rather things to think about so we can decide for ourselves what we should be sewing. Here is a smattering of things I thought as I read her thoughts... and in honor of flypaper thoughts I will bullet them! In the lifestyle pie, used to figure out when, where and why we are wearing our clothes, it dawned on me that she has left out a third of our week...sleeping! I spend a lot of time in bed. I think this area of my wardrobe deserves a bit more attention than I give it! Why not beautiful pajamas that fit comfortably rather than the ratty T-shirt that can't be seen in public? Like underwear and hospital

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Talking with Barbara Emodi through her book